Sen. Barack Obama stated "The time has come for universal, affordable health care in America" and has proposed a plan extending benefits to almost 45 million Americans who currently do not have coverage. He calls for the costs to be shared by government, business and the consumer. Under the proposal, everyone would be able to obtain health insurance and it would create a National Health Insurance Exchange to monitor insurance companies in offering the coverage. It would also prohibit insurance companies from refusing coverage bacause of preexisting conditions. With his plan, he states that the average consumer would save about $2500.00 per year.
I worked in the health care field for many years and can tell you that there is indeed a crisis. Refusing treatment to the uninsured, insurance companies dictating treatment, hospitals only concerned with the famous 'bottom line'. The state of health care in this country is deplorable and not getting any better. For years there has been talk and more talk but no action. This isn't surprising when you think of the money spent by lobbyists and the insurance companies to quelch any serious debate. Many on the Republican side will use the tired 'He's increasing the size of the government' line but I think after the past few years, Republicans should look at the increase in the size of government (not to mention the inefficiency- FEMA, FDA) under their watch. Hopefully this will be the first in what I hope will become a nationwide dialogue regarding this crisis and will lead to some meaningful solutions. There is no excuse for our country to have the broken down health care system that currently exists.
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