Much has been made about the upcoming release of Michael Moore's documentary SICKO. There has been a lot of praise from those that work in the health care field, including many doctors, nurses and care givers. There is also the usual outcry from the right wing media, led by FOX News and the like screaming that Michael Moore is distorting the reality of the world's 'greatest health care system' and they are sadly trying to muddle the issue .
I would like to take a moment and share my own personal experiences. I worked in the health care field as an Administrator and know first hand how broken the system really is. Insurance companies making vital health care decisions, crooked physicians on the take from the large pharmaceutical companies, overpriced medications and procedures, hospitals neglecting the true need of their patients in the name of profit. When health care 'facilities' are making decisions regarding patient care on such factors as Medicare/Medicaid or insurance reimbursements and what will net the most money for them, how can a patient really believe that their own best interests are being met? The Medicare and Medicaid systems are a joke and are manipulated by hospitals, assisted living facilities and nursing homes to maximize their own profits while the programs themselves are slowly being drained and are unable to help people.
Upon graduating from college. I was excited about the prospect of working in the field. I actually believed that I would be helping people and felt that the personal rewards would be great. Seven years later, I left feeling disgusted and sorry for the very people that I thought I could help.
I hope that with the release of SICKO, Moore can create enough of an outcry to force the powers that be to get off of their asses and do something meaningful. It will be a tough fight, though, with the incredible power and wealth of the pharmaceutical and insurance companies, giant hospital ’chains’, lawyers and the almost hypnotic power they have over Congress.
I know that with all the important ‘news’ lately (Paris Hilton, The Sopranos, etc. etc.), you may have forgotten about this recent tragedy. I think it shines light on this subject all too well:
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