Monday, July 2, 2007

FDR and the New Deal- The 75th Anniversary

It was 75 years ago today that Franklin D. Roosevelt accepted the nomination to run as the Democratic candidate for President. It was in this nomination speech that the idea was born of the New Deal. On this day, I encourage you to read it.

The speech is fascinating in that in it Roosevelt expresses his humanity, his brilliance, his leadership and vision. It is also quite unsettling as the comparisons to those economic times he speaks about almost mirror what we see now. His talk of how the famous trickle down theories were not working and how corporations of the time were so corrupt and greedy is almost like reading the papers today. These so-called 'policies' thrown out by the corporatists in Washington are nothing new. It's the same now as it was then.

I was personally moved by his words and wished that today we had our own FDR around to run for President of our troubled nation. For so long now, we have settled for mediocricy, failure and the tired 'lesser of two evils' charade. It is past time to demand real leadership, vision and true achievements from our politicians and not just the latest catch phrase or cute campaign song. The time is now...

To read more about FDR and his legacy, check out the Franklin D. Roosevelt American Heritage Museum.

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