"KEYSER, W.Va. (AP) Lynndie England, one of the most recognizable figures of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal in Iraq, has a new role as a volunteer member of this Eastern Panhandle city's recreation board.
England, 24, contributed her knowledge of computers, electronics and graphics for Keyser's Strawberry Festival, which helped her land the unpaid position, said Roy Hardy, the England family's attorney.
``When (council members) saw how hard she worked for the festival, they didn't hesitate to put her on the board,'' said Hardy, who is also a board member. ``If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't have been able to pull off (the Strawberry Festival). She was an absolute asset.''
England, who now works in Hardy's law firm as a legal assistant, was released in March from a military prison in San Diego after serving half her 36-month sentence. She was convicted of six counts involving prisoner mistreatment. Eleven U.S. soldiers have been convicted of crimes at the prison near Baghdad.
England was in several images taken in late 2003 by U.S. guards at Abu Ghraib. One shows her holding a naked prisoner on a leash, while in others she posed with a pyramid of naked detainees and pointed at the genitals of a prisoner while a cigarette hung from the corner of her mouth.
The photos were among several that sparked outrage and severely damaged America's image in the Muslim world.
England blamed the abuse on reputed ringleader Pvt. Charles Graner Jr., whom she said took advantage of her love and trust while deployed in Iraq. Graner received the harshest sentence, a 10-year prison term.
England and Graner were members of the 372nd Military Police Company based in western Maryland. She is from Fort Ashby, near Keyser."
I have so many issues with this story. First, how can a 'woman' who essentially helped destroy America's image abroad serve just 18 months in jail? That is an outrage. Second, she's working as a legal assistant? What! And finally, in her new role on the city's recreation board, what kind of 'games' do you think good ol' Lynndie will come up with?
Strawberries, anyone? Sometimes truth is indeed stranger than fiction!
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