As expected, the much touted Bush meeting on climate change produced nothing of substance. In fact, the US nows finds itself totally isolated on this issue. According to the Guardian,
"George Bush was castigated by European diplomats and found himself isolated yesterday after a special conference on climate change ended without any progress.
European ministers, diplomats and officials attending the Washington conference were scathing, particularly in private, over Mr Bush's failure once again to commit to binding action on climate change."
They go further and state that "The conference, attended by more than 20 countries, including China, India, Britain, France and Germany, broke up with the US isolated, according to non-Americans attending. One of those present said even China and India, two of the biggest polluters, accepted that the voluntary approach proposed by the US was untenable and favoured binding measures, even though they disagreed with the Europeans over how this would be achieved."
This issue will have to be dealt with eventually. Sooner is much better than later. We need to quit letting politicians be politicians and demand action be taken on one of the most serious challenges that we face as a planet today.
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