While researching, I always like to read those opinions that don't mesh with my own so I searched several sites to get an idea of exactly why some people oppose this. Unbelievable! The majority of those opposed to this plan to increase coverage state that their primary reason is due to fiscal concern. This comment is typical:
"So we should all march lock step toward socialism because "It is for the children"?
Perhaps we should be more concerned about "Doing it to the children" as we burden future generations with an unbearable tax burden so that we can feel good.
They will be so tax poor that they will beg for the government to take care of them.
Or how about the illegal immigration angle brought to you by House Republican Leader John Boehner:
"Illegal immigrants are about to get an unexpected boost thanks to the Democratic Congress,'' Boehner (R-Ohio) warns. "The Democrats’ bill to reauthorize the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP) not only provides health benefits to adults and upper-income kids, but it is crafted in a way to allow S-CHIP and Medicaid benefits for illegal immigrants who have broken our laws.''
Now suffice to say that these same individuals utter nary a peep about the TWO BILLION DOLLARS a week spent to keep the Iraq fiasco alive. Nothing is said about documented waste and fraud. Nothing...NOTHING! But try and put some money here at home that millions of our citizens need--well, you're just a socialist or some crap like that.
Let me refresh your memory on Iraq spending with this great article. Read and weep.
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