Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Hypocrisy of the GOP

An issue ad. A single issue ad in the New York Times. A single issue ad in the New York Times that ran for one day. A single issue ad in the New York Times that ran for one day that many people would have never seen.

But wait.....the single issue ad in the New York Times that ran for one day was destined to become one that everyone would see or hear about. Thanks to the 'manufactured outrage' that so characterizes the right wing noise machine, the ad became the topic of discussion. Not the war, not the results of the 'surge', but an ad in the New York Times.

The Republicans have propped up General Petraeus as the 'Savior of Iraq' for a while now. For months were told that no decisions regarding funding or troop levels in Iraq could be made until the famous September Petraeus Reports made the scene. Well, MoveOn changed that.

The conversation has turned from the ad to the substance of the ad. Did the General 'cook the books', as MoveOn puts it? Is the current strategy really working? Talk of the ad throughout the media keeps the attention on the one thing Republicans would rather not be focusing on--Iraq. In this aspect, I believe that the ad has been very effective. The nation needs a serious dialogue in regards to Iraq.

Oh--take a look at Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) as she discusses her 'outrage' at MoveOn. It is a simple lesson in the meaning of hypocrisy.

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