This coming from the man who squeezed out of serving when his time came in Vietnam due to a pilonidal cyst or a knee injury (take your pick). This from the man who just the other day was 'outraged' over the MoveOn controversy.
This daily schtick brought to you by Rush, Hannity and the rest is a little tired. These millionaire radio and television hosts always seem to be aghast at anything that the Democrats do or say. The Republicans in Congress are no better when it comes to manufacturing outrage.
It's past time for the so-called angry citizen to quit 'getting their daily marching orders' from these goons and move on in to the 21st century.
As a side, Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) had this to say on the House floor. Let's see how long before the Republicans begin screaming about Rush's patriotism...
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