The right wing in this country are among the most hypocritical beings on this planet. While quick to jump on any bandwagon of controversy that arises from the left and conjure up the manufactured outrage each and every time, nothing done or said by any loyal right winger is up for any scrutiny. In this case, it's just the opposite.
Soon after this controversy started, Rush was quick with the usual schtick of 'I am a victim of a smear campaign by the drive-by media'. He claims in his defense that he was referring to only one soldier, Jesse MacBeth. His sycophants in the right blog-o-sphere were quick to his defense, as well.
As Media Matters reported, "During the September 28 broadcast, Limbaugh asserted that "Media Matters had the transcript, but they selectively choose what they want to make their point." To support this claim, Limbaugh purported to air the "entire" segment in question from the September 26 broadcast of his show. In fact, the clip he then aired had been edited. Excised from the clip was a full 1 minute and 35 seconds of the 1:50 discussion that occurred between Limbaugh's original "phony soldiers" comment and his reference to MacBeth, the full audio of which can be heard here."
For any Republican House members planning to support this travesty (and I am sure there are several!), please check your hypocrisy at the door the next time you try and politicize your next big 'controversy'.
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