Alan Keyes, the self-righteous perennial Republican candidate, showed up at the Iowa GOP debate today. He has slowly inched back into the scene after his humiliating loss to Senator Obama back in 2004. The following clip will give you a good idea of why politics on the GOP side have reached the heights of lunacy.
It is getting a little tired watching the Republicans try to outdo each other in the area of morals and religion. No issue is left untouched. Problem with the schools? Why Alan Keyes claims it's the fault of judges who drove God out! Huckabee is running around apologizing to Romney about a remark he made in regards to Mormans. They are all constantly screaming about who is the most Conservative (whatever the hell that means) and how they appeal to the 'value voters' (once again, what is that?!).
I cannot wrap my brain around these holier-than-thou right wing politicians who wear religion on their shoulders while condoning torture and illegal wars. They speak of the sanctity of life while allowing companies to pour toxic gases in the air and pollute our water. They oppose the use of birth control while denying health care to children who had the misfortune to be born poor. I could go on and on in exposing their brand of right wing hypocrisy.
The sad fact of this is that we should not even be discussing religion in regards to politics and policy. There was, at one time, something called the separation of church and state.
Please don't compare Alan Keyes to the rest of us R's. Keyes is just plain crazy. Not all of us believe that horse-hockey. I'm a Economic & National Defense Republican. I wish we could deep six the Evangelical Christian wing of our party. I'm all for choice, gay marriage, and getting out of Iraq. Where's Dwight Eisenhower when you need him?
I agree with you that the Evangelical wing has been a disaster for the Republicans. Unfortunately, their influence can be seen in many of the policy positions taken by the Republican Party today.
The policies enacted and the demagoguery displayed for the last few years have divided us as a nation. They have made us forget our true pride of all being Americans regardless of our differences, including religion and party affiliation.
This is why I feel so strongly about the upcoming election. We must, Democrats and Republicans, come together and discuss the serious issues that face our nation. For this, we need serious candidates from both parties to take on this task.
Thanks for your comment.
BTW- I Like Ike!
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