It is nice to see that we exchanged one incompetent Attorney General for another. This is the latest saga in 'As the Justice Department Turns'.
The Justice Department asked the House Intelligence Committee on Friday to postpone its investigation into the destruction of videotapes by the Central Intelligence Agency in 2005, saying the Congressional inquiry presented “significant risks” to its own preliminary investigation into the matter.
The department is taking an even harder line with other Congressional committees looking into the matter, and is refusing to provide information about any role it might have played in the destruction of the videotapes. The recordings covered hundreds of hours of interrogations of two operatives of Al Qaeda.
The Justice Department and the C.I.A.’s inspector general have begun a preliminary inquiry into the destruction of the tapes, and Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey said the department would not comply with Congressional requests for information now because of “our interest in avoiding any perception that our law enforcement decisions are subject to political influence.”
Over all, the position taken by Mr. Mukasey, who took office last month, represented what Justice Department officials described as an effort to caution Congress against meddling in the tapes case and other politically explosive criminal cases.
I am beginning to seriously wonder if we can ever put back the pieces of our broken down and corrupt government. Congress has become irrelevant, the executive branch is totally out of control and the judiciary is stacked with political lackeys. All of us, whether Democrat or Republican, better wake up and demand accountability from our 'leaders' or one day wake up to the cold fact that we have even lost that right.
As a side- many thanks to Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer for their enthusiastic support of Mukasey during his confirmation hearings!
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