Such much news..so little time! There is so much that I would like to be writing about now but unfortunately I am in the process of packing and moving. Moving is perhaps one of the most unpleasant and frustrating experiences that we all encounter at one time or another. The shit that accumulates is incredible. I just finished one of the 'junk drawers' in the kitchen that had among other things grocery store receipts from ages ago, old bread ties never used, camera film with pictures of who knows what and so much more. Packing, in itself, is stressful but packing and not being sure how you are going to finance the move is, well...almost instant ulcer material!
If all goes well and I can get back on my feet, I plan a few changes for this blog. Overall, the blog will be much expanded and offer my readers a much greater interactive experience. Besides increasing the frequency of updates, I plan to offer a much more in-depth look at some of the most important political and financial news stories of the day. I also have many other new ideas that I think will greatly enhance this blog.
Although I have only been at this for a very short time, I have enjoyed every minute of it. Blogging is a learning experience in itself and a chance to met people along the way. If all of my plans work out (I am keeping my fingers crossed!), I should be back in about four weeks. I really appreciate those of you who come and the many wonderful people I have met. Talk to you soon!